What's Hot in Women's Clothing

Trends come and go in the world of women’s clothing, but there are some items that have remained hot with shoppers year after year, decade after decade. A pair of skinny jeans, for example, has been a popular item since the mid-2000s when they were first introduced. In fact, today’s skinny jeans are almost exactly the same as those from decades ago. So, what else has women flocking to store shelves? These hot clothing trends will tell you all you need to know about what’s going on in fashion right now.


The latest trends for spring


With Spring officially upon us, it’s time to bust out those wide-brimmed hats and floral dresses. Trends come and go, but if you want to make sure you have a fashion moment (no matter what year it is), here are some must-have spring trends that just won’t go away. Add any of these outfits to your closet for instant springtime sass. The fact of they're all under $100 will probably make them even more wearable! Can't wait until next season? Go ahead and buy now! You'll be so glad you did.
Wide-brimmed hats are all over Instagram these days, and for good reason. The visual interest of a wide-brimmed hat is unmatched by anything else you could choose to wear on your head. Not only do they add some serious style to any outfit, but they also help keep you protected from harmful UV rays during those sunny spring days. Want something a little more colorful? Try one of our floral dresses. The added floral design on these dresses is perfect for adding an extra pop of color to your wardrobe while still maintaining that classic spring feel. You can't go wrong with either option. However, if you're just looking for something simple and chic (and who isn't?), try out a pair of white or cream high heels. There's nothing better than swapping out your black ballet flats or sneakers with some chunky yet clean heels—not to mention it makes every basic ensemble look that much cooler. Once you have everything, simply throw them on (with maybe a long sleeve button down or v-neck t-shirt) for instant Springtime style!
4 things you didn’t know about neoprene: We’ve covered what neoprene is earlier, but there are definitely other things about neoprene that we haven’t talked about! Read along below to find out what these four things are! Neoprene is usually a pretty good insulator Because of how well it insulates, some people actually wear wetsuits when they go swimming (not as a fashion statement—it’s too hot for that!). However, since it takes on water and doesn’t have much insulation when wet. Neoprene will always stretch if exposed to heat While neoprene used to be relatively inflexible when first made, advances in technology have made it more flexible (it now stretches and moves with your body). However, if it gets exposed to heat and then cooled again quickly enough or often enough, it'll lose its memory—meaning it won't return back to its original size or shape.


Sweaters and Pants


When it comes to clothing, there are few more versatile than sweaters and pants. If you're already a fan of these two items, you've probably noticed that designers keep coming up with new spins on old favorites. In fact, I came across so many great ideas for sweaters and pants that I decided to combine them both into one list. So here are some of my favorite looks from New York Fashion Week: 8 Fashion Trends That Are Sweater And Pants Once you get started looking at women's clothing trends, it becomes clear just how diverse they can be--you can spend hours combing through fashion magazines or blogs and barely scratch the surface. But as is often said, variety is the spice of life. So if you're shopping for women's clothes right now or preparing your wardrobe for fall, don't be afraid to try something out of your comfort zone! Who knows? You might end up loving it (and look awesome doing it!). #womenclothes #fashiontrends ##11 Easy DIY Gift Ideas You Can Make YourselfOne of my favorite things about Christmas time is all the presents...but most people dread it because of all the costs involved. But honestly, if you start early enough there are lots of ways you can make gifts yourself very inexpensively and even use stuff you already have around your house! Here’s 11 examples to help get you going.... 1-Make homemade lotion bars with essential oils – they’re pretty easy and would be an excellent addition to any stocking, or handmade basket.. 2-Make Bath Salts -Making bath salts could really elevate someone’s gift experience . . .it smells delicious! 3-Homemade face masks – Honestly, who doesn’t like getting those kinds of presents?!?! Plus you know exactly what ingredients were used! 4-Homemade sugar scrubs -Sugar scrubs are another super nice way to pamper somebody with something completely customized to their skin type. 5-Shower steamers with essential oils– There are too many recipes out there...plus why not pick scents that smell good together!! 6-DIY Tea light candles & holders -Not only do they add ambiance but also add scent. 7-Up cycled wood candle holder made from drawer pulls – This is such a simple project!


Shoes and Bags


The fashion industry is constantly changing, and women’s clothing is a dynamic space. From trends to styles, new lines to seasons, there’s no shortage of hot things in women’s fashion today. In an effort to help keep you up-to-date on everything that matters most for your wardrobe, here are some of our favorite things for women’s clothing today. They’re versatile and go with just about anything—but what makes these types of shoes so popular? We love them because they’re easy to wear and comfortable, too. Pair these lace-up ballet flats with pretty much any outfit; try them out with jeans or dresses (hell, even shorts) at home or out on the town! Rock a pretty little dress? Kick it up a notch by wearing them with leggings, tights, skirts...whatever floats your boat! You could even throw on a cropped motorcycle jacket over one of these dresses and show off some killer ankle boots to pull it all together. These crossbody bags come in all different sizes and colors. Some are small enough to carry around as a clutch, while others can hold laptops, tablets or whatever else you need along with your wallet, phone and other essentials. Handbags aren't usually practical due to their size alone—and they're definitely not good if you want something hands-free when going from place to place. Crossbody bags are convenient because they sit comfortably across one shoulder but don't get in the way as much as larger totes when walking around busy places like malls or concerts. Plus, there are tons of cute designs for wallets, clothes and more—the only thing stopping you from having a conversation starter everywhere you go is yourself! There are a lot of prints out there to choose from, but we've found that animals on clothes tend to be among our favorites. What's better than rocking adorable animal print heels with your outfit? Nothing, we say—and we mean it! Another great thing about animal print heels is that they're neutral; pair them with black outfits or colorful ones. At first glance, floral print anything might seem like just another trendy design that comes and goes quickly, but once you start adding layers and accessories into the mix...well, it becomes obvious why floral prints continue to be fashionable year after year.


Mixing Trends 


Want to keep up with what’s new without breaking your budget? Try mixing and matching clothing styles from different decades, such as oversized sunglasses paired with a mini dress. This trend is one of many popular styles that make you feel like you’re getting more for your money. The key is wearing these pieces as part of an ensemble and not as a costume, so look for clothes that are unique and special to you. Think about how each piece can complement your overall style and remember that pairing one item from a trend with several other items that fit your own personal style will work best. Also, be sure to wear items you love, because doing so will help make trends fun instead of stressful. Do what makes you happy! And if it happens to be on-trend...that’s even better! My wardrobe has almost entirely changed since I began my 'style journey' earlier in 2017. I now mainly wear 70s/80s inspired looks mixed with Steampunk styles mixed with modern glamour looks mixed with vintage Hollywood looks; I call it Modern Vintage Glamour Fashion. My outfit choices have also gotten me noticed by a couple of local photographers who gave me modeling opportunities at their shoots! (I didn't go for either of them but I still loved every second!)
I wore one particularly ambitious 70s styled outfit to town once and everyone was staring at me - not just because they recognized my design inspiration, but because I looked absolutely mind blowing. This is why you should never ever let anyone else influence your style. Dress how YOU want to dress! Ignore all fashion trends (to an extent), follow a trend if it suits you, disregard others' opinions and most importantly wear what makes you feel good! If someone says something unkind about your style/look, tell them that 'hey - be nice!' Don't let other people get into your head. If someone asks where you got something or compliments you on your clothes/makeup/hair etc., say thank you kindly! But when someone asks what shop it came from don't give them an answer unless it genuinely doesn't matter if they know where you got it from or whether or not it's from a brand name shop.

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