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How Can We Make Fashion More Nature Positive?

The fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world. It's estimated that it generates 10% of global carbon emissions and 20% of global wastewater. In order to create a more sustainable future, it is essential that we make fashion more nature positive. But how can we do this? In this blog post, we will explore the steps we can take to make fashion more eco-friendly and ultimately create a more sustainable future.

What is Nature Positive Fashion?

Nature Positive fashion is a movement that seeks to reduce the environmental impact of the fashion industry. It focuses on reducing waste and pollution, promoting sustainable materials and practices, and supporting ethical production. Nature Positive fashion encourages designers and brands to use more sustainable materials and techniques that reduce the impact of fashion production on the environment. These materials may include organic cotton, bamboo, and hemp, as well as recycled fabrics and materials. Nature Positive fashion also supports fair wages and working conditions in production facilities, to ensure workers are treated fairly. It also encourages sustainable production practices such as minimizing water usage, reducing energy consumption, and using fewer chemical treatments. Finally, Nature Positive fashion works to reduce the amount of waste produced by the fashion industry by using fewer materials or utilizing more eco-friendly packaging. By embracing these principles, the fashion industry can become more environmentally friendly and help protect our planet. One way to make fashion more nature positive is for consumers to shift their buying habits towards companies who are actively pursuing sustainability initiatives. Consumers can look for labels and certifications that demonstrate a brand’s commitment to sustainable production methods such as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard). Brands should also be transparent about their supply chain and how they source their materials. This information will allow consumers to make informed decisions when choosing what to buy. Shifting buying habits is one of the most important ways to make fashion more nature positive. Consumers can support brands that are making efforts to reduce their environmental impact, rather than buying from those who do not take sustainability seriously. Buying second-hand is also a great way to help reduce fashion's carbon footprint and conserve resources. By supporting companies who are actively taking steps to reduce their environmental impact, consumers can play a significant role in making fashion more nature positive.

The Problem with Fast Fashion

The fashion industry has been a major contributor to environmental damage and pollution due to the high amount of resources and energy used in production and the long transport routes needed to get the garments to their destinations. This is particularly true with fast fashion, a business model that is based on producing cheap, low quality clothes that are constantly changing with the trends. Fast fashion is damaging to the environment in many ways. It encourages consumers to buy more than they need, leading to overconsumption of natural resources and waste production. The process of making these items can also lead to water contamination and air pollution. The clothes themselves are often made from synthetic materials such as polyester, which can take hundreds of years to decompose. This type of clothing also does not last very long and needs to be replaced frequently, resulting in further waste. The use of toxic chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers used in the production of cotton is another major environmental issue caused by the fast fashion industry. These chemicals have been linked to serious health problems for both humans and wildlife. Additionally, many factories that produce these items fail to provide safe working conditions for their employees, while paying them poorly. These issues highlight why it’s so important for the fashion industry to become nature positive in order to help protect our planet. There are several steps we can take to make fashion more sustainable. Firstly, manufacturers should switch to using sustainable materials such as organic cotton or recycled fabrics like polyester and nylon derived from plastic bottles or post-consumer products. Secondly, reducing the number of processes involved in the manufacturing of each item can help conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Thirdly, establishing transparent supply chains will make sure that garment workers are treated fairly, ensuring their safety and fair wages. Fourthly, using ethical practices to ensure better working conditions and greater respect for human rights will create a better world for everyone. Finally, committing to supporting sustainability initiatives like tree planting programs or using eco-friendly packaging when shipping products will demonstrate an overall commitment to reducing its environmental footprint. By making these changes and investing in sustainable practices, the fashion industry can truly become nature positive and set an example for others to follow.

Ways to Make Fashion More Nature Positive

Making fashion more nature positive can be done in several different ways. Firstly, it is important to choose sustainable materials such as organic cotton, hemp, and bamboo when shopping for clothing. Secondly, investing in quality pieces that will last is a great way to reduce your environmental impact. Clothes made from natural fibers like wool, linen, and silk last longer than synthetic fabrics, meaning they will need to be replaced less often.
It’s also important to support brands who use sustainable production methods. This means avoiding companies who rely on conventional manufacturing techniques that have a large environmental footprint. Instead, look for those who focus on ethical practices, including reducing water and energy usage, limiting chemical inputs, and creating working conditions that are safe and fair for employees.
Finally, it’s important to consider how your clothes are disposed of. Instead of throwing out old clothes, donate them to charity or a second-hand shop. Or better yet, repurpose them into something new! If you do decide to buy new clothes, make sure you choose items you will wear for years to come. Consider buying classic styles instead of trendy fast-fashion garments which only last a season before going out of style. Additionally, look for eco-friendly fabrics like recycled polyester, Tencel, and lyocell which use fewer resources to produce and generate fewer emissions than traditional materials. Additionally, try your hand at up cycling old garments. A little creativity can turn an outdated garment into something totally unique and fashionable. Lastly, invest in accessories made with eco-friendly materials such as cork and vegetable-tanned leather which don’t involve the harsh chemicals typically used in leather tanning processes.

Supporting Nature Positive Brands

Making the switch to nature positive fashion starts with supporting the brands that are leading the charge. By doing this, you are helping to create a demand for more sustainable materials and production processes. There are some amazing brands out there that are committed to creating clothing and accessories that are both stylish and eco-friendly.
When looking for nature positive brands, look for ones that source their materials from sustainable sources and use low-impact production methods. Make sure to check out the brand’s website to learn more about their specific policies. Additionally, make sure to read customer reviews to ensure they practice ethical and transparent production methods.
If you’re not sure where to start looking, check out websites like Good On You or The Good Trade. They provide ratings of various brands based on their sustainability practices, so you can easily find a list of brands that fit your criteria. Additionally, many fashion bloggers have started featuring nature positive brands in their content, so you can get some style inspiration while still supporting eco-friendly brands.
Finally, don’t forget to look locally! Many small businesses have started making nature positive products that are made with sustainable materials and produced in low-impact ways. Supporting local businesses helps to reduce your carbon footprint and also keeps money in your own community.
By investing in nature positive fashion, you can be part of the change towards more sustainable clothing and accessories. With so many great options out there, there’s no excuse not to support eco-friendly fashion! Try thrifting if you're on a budget; secondhand stores often offer affordable and unique items that are kinder to the environment. If you can't thrift, try shopping during sales at nature positive brands. It's important to remember that transitioning to a more sustainable wardrobe isn't something that happens overnight— it takes time and effort to transition away from conventional fast fashion. However, every purchase you make has an impact and by choosing eco-friendly items over conventional ones, you're voting with your wallet to support better environmental practices. And remember - it's okay if you don't buy things perfectly sustainably all the time; it's important to take into account other factors such as worker safety and rights when buying clothes as well. Small steps add up over time, and we can all work together to create an industry that is kinder to people and the planet.

